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Game developer: Wii has 'a lot of substandard software' CNET News

The Nintendo Wii might be leading the video game market, but at least one game developer is suspect of its software.

Lightning Fish Games CEO Simon Prytherch sat down with GamesIndustry.biz in a recent interview discussing his company and the state of the gaming industry. And there is no lack of frustration (about this coming out) at precisely the time where we have the strongest third-party share."

Riccitiello went on to say that his company was trying to work with Nintendo "to push third-party software harder." He then echoed Prytherch's sentiments, saying "very, very few multiplatform titles are succeeding on the Wii so far, and collectively, Electronic Arts and Nintendo need to tackle that." Yikes.

We've heard from the developers, now let's hear from you. Lightning Fish Games develops "family-oriented" games for major consoles.

After discussing what he has learned about the industry, he shared his opinion on the state of the Wii and its market.

"Wii is a very casual, wide market," Prytherch said in the interview. He said that they "have been damaged by a lot of substandard software," which has caused them to "only trust big Nintendo brands."

Those are some awfully strong words from a developer that has so far failed to attract the kind of market attention larger companies Ubisoft or Electronic Arts have. "It's a market that doesn't care about flashy graphics--it cares more about the gameplay and experience, and potentially the characterization."

But Prytherch had much more to say. Do you buy third-party titles? Is its game library weak? The developer told the site that he doesn't "think you can ever write Nintendo off," but the console's games market "from a third-party software developer and publisher perspective, is oversaturated with product."

Unfortunately, Prytherch asserts, consumers have suffered most. But he's not alone in his belief that Wii gamers aren't attracted to third-party games.

Speaking at a conference call last month , EA CEO John Riccitiello said that "the Wii platform has been a little weaker than we had certainly anticipated. What do you think about the Wii's position in the gaming business? Let us know in the comments below.

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Целый привод 3

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